Well Easter is nearly here! I love Easter! These simple DIY speckled eggs are sure to bring the spring feeling into any home.
Below I mixed my hand painted eggs with some I eggs bought last year in a wire basket.

I bought these eggs at my local craft store. This is how they looked at first.
All I did was get a few craft paints I liked.
I chose Robin Egg Blue and a Seafoam Green.
I painted my eggs, give them a good 2 or 3 coats.
Let them dry.
Next you will be adding the speckles. Then get some brown pint and an old tooth brush.
I used a little plastic cup added a bit of water and some brown paint and dipped my toothbrush in the paint water mixture and ran my thumb so the bristles would splatter the eggs with spots. the brush will drop so don't put it right over your egg.
gently rotate your egg until it is to your liking and be careful not to smudge your speckles.
Enjoy your hand made speckled eggs.
These are so cute! I would love to put some on my country house